
We have always had difficulty with both of our girls jumping up and with them barking when left with Chris while I go in a shop.

When Jenna was young, we did have some training but unfortunately, being a bright dog, she sooned worked out that if she jumped up once then didn’t jump up she got a treat, but if she didn’t jump up at all, she didn’t get any treats.

The separation anxiety has got worse since Chris had his stroke and has been made worse by the fact that we used to be able to avoid some of it by Chris being the one to go and get the coffees which we can’t do because at the moment he can’t carry two mugs or a tray easily.

So, based on a recommendation, we booked a session with Ian Cooper The session was brilliant and so much of what Ian said was common sense. It’s now up to us to continue what he has taught us and to make sure we are confident and consistent when telling them what to do.