About our dogs

Morwenna who is 5 is our calm, patient and motherly dog (unless she sees a pigeon) who is very protective of Jenna.

Her Dad was a beautiful cream retriever called Reg and we are members of a Facebook group run by his owner Cheryl who now has 3 stud dogs – Bill, Ernie and Bert. Sadly, Reg is no longer with us although he was the patriarch of the dynasty being the father of Ernie, the Grandfather of Bill and the great great grandfather of Bert.

It was through Cheryl that we got Jenna (who is 3) whose mother is Kyra and whose father is Ernie. Kyra is owned by our friend Kim who also has Talisa (Kyra’s mum).

When we got Jenna, Kim set up a Facebook group for the owners of the 7 puppies and through that we haveall become good friends.

So the puppies from the litter are:

Jenna (our girl)

Albert (owned by Jen and Pete)

Lenny (owned by Karen and Tim)

Nellie (owned by Sarah and Chris who also have Gladys – a half sister of Morwenna)

Harry (owned by Jay and Callum who also have Jeff who is Talisa’s son)

Iona (owned by Patsy)

Fin (owned by Kate and Callum)