About us

We are an older couple (Chris is 75, I am 67) who are retired with a 26 year old son who is currently studying his final University course in London as part of his training contract to qualify as a solicitor.

We both have bad backs and Chris has heart disease and has had a stroke so although we try to stay fit and active, our days of long walks across Dartmoor are well behind us.

We have recently had some additional training from Ian Cooper https://iancooperdogs.co.uk/ which has made a massive difference to our girl’s separation anxiety, jumping up and recall. It is now up to us to keep doing the things that Ian taught us and be consistent. We’re not there yet, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

When I research dog friendly beaches and walks, most assume that you are able to walk long distances and scramble over difficult terrain “The beach is about 15 minutes walk (not at our speed) down a steep stony track” Hmm, maybe not with two excited dogs who are straining to get there.

So the walks and beaches I suggest are easy to get to, and normally offer a reasonably short walk where the dogs can run off the lead, plus the possibility of a longer walk if you would prefer that. This also makes the walks suitable for the less active dog, whether that is caused by age or illness.

To be honest, it feels quite scary to admit that we don’t take them on the long walks that, if you look at Facebook or read articles about dog walks, seem to be the norm. However, our dogs do have plenty of exercise and are happy, loving girls who, (along with our son) are the light of our lives.