Christmas trip to Leeds

We went to Leeds for Christmas to see our son and stayed on a narrow boat moored in Leeds dock (see self catering page for details). The girls were very good considering the amount of time they spent in the car and we had a lovely time with Christmas dinner cooked by our son.

Girly meet up 13th December Walkies at Wixenford

Kyra, Jenna’s mum is in season so we arranged a girly meet up at Wixenford. Jenna’s mum (Kyra), Gran (Talisa) and two sisters (Iona and Nellie) came along with Morwenna of course and Nellie’s aunt Gladys who happens to be a half sister of Morwenna. The dogs had a great (and muddy time).

Family meet up 4th December Siblyback Lake

Albert, one of Jenna’s brothers, decided to make an impromptu visit to Cornwall so obviously that was a great excuse for a family meet up. Despite the forecast we decided to meet at Siblyback Lake on Bodmin moor and yes, we did have hail and yes, it was very cold and windy but it was absolutely worth it. Jenna, Morwenna, Albert, Finn (another of Jenna’s brothers), Talisa (Their Gran) and Elsa (on loan from Dee) had a fabulous time running round the dog field and met up with another Goldie, Jessie.

Coincidentally, my review of Siblyback campsite has just appeared in November’s issue of Dog Friendly magazine.


We recently had some decorating done and as paint and Golden Retrievers are not a good mix, we made sure that we were out for the day. This is where the motorhome really came into it’s own as we could drive somewhere (preferably with a cafe to have coffee at), take Morwenna and Jenna for a walk, have coffee, heat up some soup for lunch, little nap, cup of tea, second dog walk and then home after the decorator had finished for the day.

The dogs had a great time as we took them to Roadford Lake, Exmouth, Torrington Commons, Meeth Quarry, Exmouth again and Saunton sands.

Widemouth Bay – November 21st

We took Morwenna and Jenna to be Titre tested as we want to avoid them having booster injections if they already have immunity as a result of their previous vaccinations. Afterwards, along with most of the other dogs being titre tested plus the super six, we went to Widemouth bay for a run on the beach (I think we also managed to add a few extras Goldies that just happened to be on the beach at the same time). The dogs had a great time and you can see a short video of them on my YouTube channel – Goldies on tour (along with videos of our old Labrador (Splash) and Morwenna and Jenna’s first year). Direct link to Widemouth bay video here https://youtu.be/51MAEe2gYS0

Jenna’s first Birthday 28th October

It’s been a quiet few weeks with Jenna being in season and having to be walked on the lead, although we did take them to Allerford Dog Field a few times so she could have a run off the lead. She didn’t cope very well with being in season and became very withdrawn, hiding from Morwenna if she tried to play with her. Fortunately her season finished just in time for her birthday and we went to Exmouth early in the morning for her to have a lovely run on the beach and in the sea, followed by birthday pupcakes on the promenade. When we got home she opened her present – Colin the Crocodile.

Jenna (and her siblings) also received a beautiful card and family tree from her breeder Kim which was a lovely surprise.

Birthday Video

The video of Jenna’s first year is now available on my YouTube channel – Goldies on tour – or you can go direct to it using this link https://youtu.be/i48TaOEvB6I

More information on the videos can be found on the Videos page of this site.

Trip to Yorkshire 30th September to 7th October

Having rediscovered Yorkshire when we spent Christmas with our son in Leeds last year, we decided to spend 11 days exploring Yorkshire and catching up with our son. We got off to a good start, stopping overnight at Chapel Lane, Birmingham, reaching Oskada Park on Friday afternoon for the Golden Retriever GB camping weekend.

A brilliant weekend with lots of Golden retrievers and their owners at Oskada Park in North Yorkshire. The site is double gated and fully enclosed so once in there, dogs can go off the lead and run free. Plenty of agility equipment, open space and a stream.

We met up with Jenna’s brother Harry and his family as well as lots of other lovely people and dogs. Many thanks to Katy, Rich (and of course Tilly) for organising it.

On Sunday we moved to Cayton village near Scarborough for two nights, used the Park and Ride to visit Scarborough and walked from the site to Cayton Bay Beach.

On Tuesday we drove up the coast to near Whitby and as we sat down to dinner realised that Jenna had just started her first season.

Some quick rearranging of our bookings had us move to Knaresborough for Wednesday night so we could spend the evening with our son in Leeds (driving a motorhome through Leeds at rush hour with a Sat Nav which seems just one step behind is not to be recommended) and then drove the whole way home on Thursday.

Cornwall and Devon Golden Retriever meet up 11th September

We met up at the Outdoor activity centre at Widemouth Bay for play on the beach followed by a fabulous buffet at the centre. I didn’t manage to count them but there must have been easily 30 to 40 Goldens (plus one who came in the disguise of a Newfoundland!) It was a fantastic afternoon and great to meet people that I only knew through their postings on the Facebook group. Jenna and her brother Harry spent a lot of time playing together and I think it’s fair to say that all the dogs were exhausted by the end having had a great time.

Trip to Siblyback Lake 6th – 8th September

Our last trip to Siblyback Lake this year (the campsite closes at the beginning of October), this time for 2 nights. The weather was gorgeous – so hot that on Monday afternoon we had to spray the inside of their Ruff and Tumble coats with water and use them as cooling coats. Walked right around the lake – 3.1 miles. Lovely walk with plenty of seats to rest or just enjoy the view. Left just as the weather changed on Wednesday morning to heavy rain, thunder and lightening.

Morwenna’s family birthday meet up 29th August

3rd birthday meetup for Morwenna, Honey and Lennox Regling plus Mum, Grandma, and various others relations at Leaps and Bounds in Topsham. The birthday cake was enjoyed by all the dogs.

Morwenna’s birthday 17th August

Our eldest dog celebrated her third birthday with toys, presents and a walk around Abbeyford Woods.

Puppy meet up 5th August

We took the Motorhome to Hillhead Caravan and Motorhome club site near Brixham for 2 nights to meet up with Jenna’s family. Even though it rained solidly all the time we were at the dog field (Barkers unleashed) the dogs had great fun. We met up with Leaping Lenny, Finn and Nutty Nellie as well as their Mum Kyra and Dad Ernie. Unfortunately Albert, Iona and Harry couldn’t make it this time but we will definitely have another meet up before too long.

Play date at Field of Dreams, 31st July

We met Finn (Jenna’s brother) and his owners Kate and Callum at the Field of dreams for a play date. All three had a lovely time chasing around the field and playing with the equipment.

29th July: New page for people to add their own recommendations for walks and attractions added.

Visit to Siblyback Lake 26th / 27th July

The weather wasn’t as good this time but most of the rain was during the night and we still managed a short walk when we arrived followed by a longer one after dinner. In the morning, we were out early for a run around followed by a fantastic breakfast at the cafe ‘Olive and Co’. Chris had the full English and I had the gluten free veggie breakfast which I didn’t quite manage to finish. All freshly cooked with really good quality ingredients.

We again had our favourite pitch right by the water, and as it got dark we lay listening to ‘War of the Worlds’. There is something about this site that is just so relaxing – after the people doing water sports or walking round the lake have gone, it feels very intimate.

Tarka Trail 24th July

After a week of early morning walks, all bar one being at Abbeyford Woods because of the sweltering heat, we decided to go to the Tarka Trail at Torrington for the first time since we got Jenna. How can we have been coming here for 30 years and not found the walk that runs under the bridge and just above the river? It was when the girls ran off up a side path that I hadn’t noticed before that I saw there were steps off the path leading to a wide path that was perpendicular to the one we normally took. So we explored, turning left at the bottom of the steps. Both dogs spent some time in the river – slightly worrying because although it was easy to get down the bank into the river, it was not so easy to get back out given that the rain had made the bank a bit slippery. Looking at the map this appears to be called Rolle Road and runs all the way past Torrington.

Visit to South Milton Sands 15th / 16th July

We stayed at Cool Cow Camping which is less than 1/2 mile from the beach.

Although the beach is called South Milton Sands it is fine shingle rather than sand and it slopes down towards the water. The sea was very calm and we were joined for Thursday afternoon by one of Jenna’s sisters, Iona and her owner Patsy. Iona, Jenna, Patsy and myself all went in the water and swam while Morwenna paddled as she doesn’t like to go out of her depth.

On Friday morning I took Jenna back to the beach for a long run and paddle, then walked Morwenna separately. The weather on both days was glorious.

Visit to Siblyback Lake 1st / 2nd July 2021

Siblyback Lake is part of SW Water lakes trust and has a small site with 13 pitches – a mixture of grass and hardstanding with or without electric. Because of access it is limited to units under 20 feet long – so no caravans.

Beautiful site – very peaceful with an activity centre and cafe. The path goes round the lake for a long walk but most importantly for dog walkers, there is an enclosed dog field a few hundred yards from the camp site. The toilets and showers are fairly modern and in good condition. Woke to the sound of geese on the lake outside our window. Will definitely return.

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